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Quality Test and Data Analysis

Digital Signal Processing Module

Integrated Systems, Inc.

Digital Signal Processing Module (DSP) delivers signal processingsuitable for real-world data and data from other analysis tools. DSPenhances the vector and matrix manipulation features of MATRIXx byintroducing a set of data analysis tools specifically tailored toward thesignal processing community. FFTs, spectral analysis, and covariancecalculations are only a few of the many functions the DSP Module makesavailable to the analyst. Additional functions make digital filterdesign a simple matter of specifying frequency ranges and gains. If youwork with time domain signals or frequency spectrums, you will find thistool an indispensable part of your software workbench.DSP features include:

Language: C, FORTRAN
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: FORTRAN compiler, MATRIXx
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Integrated Systems, Inc.
201 Moffett Park Dr
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Phone: (408) 542-1500
        (800) 543 PSOS (7767)
Fax: (408) 980-0400